


IIIF Media

Access to the zoomable media asset with the ID: 0000/0000/NN10367_va.ptif. Note that the / in the identifier are part of the idenfifier as far as IIIF is concerned and not strictly path deliminators. They must normally be encoded to %2F. This server has been setup to process things behind the scenes so that / can be used directly as per the second set of examples:
Available ptifs all prefixed with 0000/0000/: NN10367_va.ptif, NN10367_vb.ptif, NN10528.ptif, NN10529.ptif, NN10532.ptif, NN12160_va.ptif, NN12160_vb.ptif, NN12196.ptif, NN12197.ptif, NN12319.ptif.
